RESORT TAX PUBLIC Polson City of FORUMS In the months leading up to the resort tax initiative special election of February 2nd, a number of informational presentations on the proposed resort tax will be held. WED, NOV 18TH 7PM Virtual Via Zoom (Meeting Link Will Be Available Online) TUES, DEC 15TH 5:30PM Meeting Format TBD TUES, JAN 19TH 7PM Meeting Format TBD For additional information or to join a forum, call City of Polson at 406-883-8200 or go to resort-tax-informational-public- forums 41K500 RESORT TAX PUBLIC Polson City of FORUMS In the months leading up to the resort tax initiative special election of February 2nd, a number of informational presentations on the proposed resort tax will be held. WED, NOV 18TH 7PM Virtual Via Zoom (Meeting Link Will Be Available Online) TUES, DEC 15TH 5:30PM Meeting Format TBD TUES, JAN 19TH 7PM Meeting Format TBD For additional information or to join a forum, call City of Polson at 406-883-8200 or go to resort-tax-informational-public- forums 41K500