in companies each day we' includes de regering the source of p combom evenwel Our gans to store our d and added conections in a continge as been laid the pure ide wer system was conducted by t mayhety of our own w Wapsed to report tur drinking water safe and safederal and statements you have any questions about th e contact the City of Pont 140 83-8001 Ash Wa Brandon Pe Colet The pics and one year experience respectly They and perode ning sessions to continuing education cent training courses they received were hydrants, blow off valves, and me DO YOU KNOW? e sources of orvoong water (o tend toe wouders en ponts, re of land or through the ground tossaves susly uning minerals and in some cases radioact cering from the presence of animator pickup Contatt Moches and act which may come from sewage treatment parts septe Sond 23 octuhatts and met which can be utraty occuring or mut from uban storm word waterdices, and prod 3 which may come from a vanity of sources such an apricatur, urban 4 cewch are products of in processes, petroleum production, and can also come hom pas stations, u and ant of certain contaminants in de b In order towers to the EPA by poses or contas protection for public health W of our Mortas Environmental Laboratory in Kalpet (06-755-2131). They awa paboratory oMantrA toamayorng- Al of water are betto da contamination by contaminants that are turly caring or manas Those c microbes organe organe chema of radioactive mat Al ding w wat small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not formation about contaminants and potental health effects can be obtained by calling the metal Proction Agency's Safe D 1-800-42-4791, one at www ga Sommerable to contamination with cancer undergoing chemotherapy persons who have undergone argan to de particularly at home. These people than the p population compromised persons such as HEADS of advice about driving ERA COC con by cryptosporidium and other motbological stan the Senge or one to the Our samping to and we ding water regulations. The flowing tests were performed to becom our ty during the period of January to December 31, 2001 come with -75- On each of our four entry poets-within Pads One of the possible presence of infection byproducts within The Monts Department of Environmental Quality requires that we test for an our ding water As our distribution system conta ved for and be pred a monitoring wave to best this waveras ut system to test for m taminant This waver covers the period from 2020 The themed during recent testing Some of the date in This care motored less than one may be more than one DEFINITIONS MC Muime ContaCrved the "Me Allowed the acontant that alw f wMCL art as close t in the best . MCLG-MaxCom Level par is the level of conta gw below which . m 19 . CITY OF POLSON Montana Public Water Supply ID number 00308 2021 Water Quality Report Act and in an effort . . Hom penggemps, noð eða m you informed about the quality of water and services we pro Quality Report This report is a snapshot of the quality of water a you water contains and how compares to PA and the Soft 25 de aves reservoin with a combined cast water with a small amount of chomeWe have 2.539 seco mprove our system, we completed phase of construction of our new spect Pase 2 is scheduled for completion this year & sanitary survey Montana Department of Environmental Quality in Novemb assifica deficiencies **** singepen$1.000 PP-Pr Mer-ne part per compond 200 $10.000.00 A Levele onnant which fe or other requirements which a CL-Fico Creperir-very ma fo EP-Entry The were the disbudo As you t hade MCL ve understand the poble hects of exceeding the MCL have a one nation chance of having any adver w Lindgr primarily from materials and components of the services and home plumbing systems is possible that leade of in your home's for prding t variety of mu levels of le caus Our ty He cannot c used in private home plumbing es present e problems, especially for pregnant women and young chabre you a concerned about d 'may wish to have your water ested by a cerated aboutory the the one we send our sales ta Evro 406-755-21311e your war has been sing for several hours, you can then for at posure by using your t the water temperature has stablood ly for 30 seconds to ding wateng methods and you can te or cooking int W 1-800-45-4791 Je of 2002 the Mon Department of Environmental Quality conducted mation on the po aton This report a ats of the susceptible contered fo accident on the highway and ralhoat lines. The port can be summarbed in the tolowing t Significant Potential Contaminant Sources Mang Stary - ty of bed N Laste Lat Our water system is committed to providing our customers with safe, clean water and we are pleased that our words alled state and federal standards. Thank you for viewing this report Prepared by Montana Environmental La LLC 422 15 1 * spideces e en in companies each day we ' includes de regering the source of p combom evenwel Our gans to store our d and added conections in a continge as been laid the pure ide wer system was conducted by t mayhety of our own w Wapsed to report tur drinking water safe and safederal and statements you have any questions about th e contact the City of Pont 140 83-8001 Ash Wa Brandon Pe Colet The pics and one year experience respectly They and perode ning sessions to continuing education cent training courses they received were hydrants , blow off valves , and me DO YOU KNOW ? e sources of orvoong water ( o tend toe wouders en ponts , re of land or through the ground tossaves susly uning minerals and in some cases radioact cering from the presence of animator pickup Contatt Moches and act which may come from sewage treatment parts septe Sond 23 octuhatts and met which can be utraty occuring or mut from uban storm word waterdices , and prod 3 which may come from a vanity of sources such an apricatur , urban 4 cewch are products of in processes , petroleum production , and can also come hom pas stations , u and ant of certain contaminants in de b In order towers to the EPA by poses or contas protection for public health W of our Mortas Environmental Laboratory in Kalpet ( 06-755-2131 ) . They awa paboratory oMantrA toamayorng Al of water are betto da contamination by contaminants that are turly caring or manas Those c microbes organe organe chema of radioactive mat Al ding w wat small amounts of some contaminants . The presence of contaminants does not formation about contaminants and potental health effects can be obtained by calling the metal Proction Agency's Safe D 1-800-42-4791 , one at www ga Sommerable to contamination with cancer undergoing chemotherapy persons who have undergone argan to de particularly at home . These people than the p population compromised persons such as HEADS of advice about driving ERA COC con by cryptosporidium and other motbological stan the Senge or one to the Our samping to and we ding water regulations . The flowing tests were performed to becom our ty during the period of January to December 31 , 2001 come with -75 On each of our four entry poets - within Pads One of the possible presence of infection byproducts within The Monts Department of Environmental Quality requires that we test for an our ding water As our distribution system conta ved for and be pred a monitoring wave to best this waveras ut system to test for m taminant This waver covers the period from 2020 The themed during recent testing Some of the date in This care motored less than one may be more than one DEFINITIONS MC Muime ContaCrved the " Me Allowed the acontant that alw f wMCL art as close t in the best . MCLG - MaxCom Level par is the level of conta gw below which . m 19 . CITY OF POLSON Montana Public Water Supply ID number 00308 2021 Water Quality Report Act and in an effort . . Hom penggemps , noð eða m you informed about the quality of water and services we pro Quality Report This report is a snapshot of the quality of water a you water contains and how compares to PA and the Soft 25 de aves reservoin with a combined cast water with a small amount of chomeWe have 2.539 seco mprove our system , we completed phase of construction of our new spect Pase 2 is scheduled for completion this year & sanitary survey Montana Department of Environmental Quality in Novemb assifica deficiencies **** singepen $ 1.000 PP - Pr Mer - ne part per compond 200 $ 10.000.00 A Levele onnant which fe or other requirements which a CL - Fico Creperir - very ma fo EP - Entry The were the disbudo As you t hade MCL ve understand the poble hects of exceeding the MCL have a one nation chance of having any adver w Lindgr primarily from materials and components of the services and home plumbing systems is possible that leade of in your home's for prding t variety of mu levels of le caus Our ty He cannot c used in private home plumbing es present e problems , especially for pregnant women and young chabre you a concerned about d ' may wish to have your water ested by a cerated aboutory the the one we send our sales ta Evro 406-755-21311e your war has been sing for several hours , you can then for at posure by using your t the water temperature has stablood ly for 30 seconds to ding wateng methods and you can te or cooking int W 1-800-45-4791 Je of 2002 the Mon Department of Environmental Quality conducted mation on the po aton This report a ats of the susceptible contered fo accident on the highway and ralhoat lines . The port can be summarbed in the tolowing t Significant Potential Contaminant Sources Mang Stary - ty of bed N Laste Lat Our water system is committed to providing our customers with safe , clean water and we are pleased that our words alled state and federal standards . Thank you for viewing this report Prepared by Montana Environmental La LLC 422 15 1 * spideces e en