St. Ignatius Mission BUILT IN 1891 - NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE EST 1973 SUN MASS 9AM & 5PM TUES & FRI MASS 7:15AM The Mission is open daily for viewing through the summer from 9am to 7pm and in the winter from 9am to 5pm. Visitors Welcome Donations Welcome Museum & Gift Shop Open 10am to 4pm Daily 300 BEARTRACK AVE. ST. IGNATIUS, MT 406-745-2768 VISIT US AT: STIGNATIUSMISSION.ORG 144813 St. Ignatius Mission BUILT IN 1891 - NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE EST 1973 SUN MASS 9AM & 5PM TUES & FRI MASS 7:15 AM The Mission is open daily for viewing through the summer from 9am to 7pm and in the winter from 9am to 5pm . Visitors Welcome Donations Welcome Museum & Gift Shop Open 10am to 4pm Daily 300 BEARTRACK AVE . ST . IGNATIUS , MT 406-745-2768 VISIT US AT : STIGNATIUSMISSION.ORG 144813