What? The Eyes Say A Lot, But Not Everything SL You may not have noticed how your hearing was declining until the recent pandemic. St. Luke Community Healthcare's Hearing Center offers hearing tests, a wide range of hearing aids, and other assistive devices. St. Luke COMMUNIT Y HEALTHCARE Call (406) 528-5234 today to schedule your hearing evaluation or hearing aid trial The Heart of Healthcare in the Mission Valley www. stlukehealthcare.org/hearing-center/ 429672 What? The Eyes Say A Lot, But Not Everything SL You may not have noticed how your hearing was declining until the recent pandemic. St. Luke Community Healthcare's Hearing Center offers hearing tests, a wide range of hearing aids, and other assistive devices. St. Luke COMMUNIT Y HEALTHCARE Call (406) 528-5234 today to schedule your hearing evaluation or hearing aid trial The Heart of Healthcare in the Mission Valley www. stlukehealthcare.org/hearing-center/ 429672