BEAR COUNTRY DRONE SERVICES MATTERPORT 3D VIRTUAL TOURS Hosting and Maintenance + Hosting and maintenance + RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL $20.00 A Month $50.00 A Month 1-4,000 sq. ft 1-4,000 sq. ft $149-$400 $200-$600 4,000-3,000 sq. ft. 4,000-8,000 sq. ft. $400-$1000 $600-$1200 13,000-30,000 sq. ft. 8,000-12,000 sq. ft $1000-$3000 30,000 sq. ft. $1200-$2000 13,000 sq. ft Contact for Pricing Contact for pricing. Matter tags w/ Google Street view linkin floor plan with measurements, jEmbeded tours on your website or Facebook. True plan for Xactimate Construction Progression video/photos Drone Work Combo packages available. People are shown to be 300% more engaged with a matterport 3D virtual tour than they are with 2D imagery. 3D virtual tours can help you create better experiences, happier customers and more revenue. BEAR COUNTRY DRONE SERVICES 406-830-1951 BEAR COUNTRY DRONE SERVICES MATTERPORT 3D VIRTUAL TOURS Hosting and Maintenance + Hosting and maintenance + RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL $ 20.00 A Month $ 50.00 A Month 1-4,000 sq . ft 1-4,000 sq . ft $ 149- $ 400 $ 200- $ 600 4,000-3,000 sq . ft . 4,000-8,000 sq . ft . $ 400- $ 1000 $ 600- $ 1200 13,000-30,000 sq . ft . 8,000-12,000 sq . ft $ 1000- $ 3000 30,000 sq . ft . $ 1200- $ 2000 13,000 sq . ft Contact for Pricing Contact for pricing . Matter tags w / Google Street view linkin floor plan with measurements , jEmbeded tours on your website or Facebook . True plan for Xactimate Construction Progression video / photos Drone Work Combo packages available . People are shown to be 300 % more engaged with a matterport 3D virtual tour than they are with 2D imagery . 3D virtual tours can help you create better experiences , happier customers and more revenue . BEAR COUNTRY DRONE SERVICES 406-830-1951