Need help getting health insurance? We offer free enrollment assistance Open enrollment is Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. Providence certified counselors are available to help you learn more about insurance and expanded Medicaid coverage. Appointments are available at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center to help you sign up for a plan. Please call 406-883-5680 or email to make your appointment today. Phone or virtual appointments are available. Please bring the folowing information to your appointment: Social Security numbers (or immigration document numbers) Income information (e g., pay stubs, W-2 forms, Social Security or disability benefits, unemployment compensation) Your username and password for an existing HealthCare gov account or your email account if you need to create a new account You can also visit for details about your health insurance options and to sign up for a plan. PROVIDENCE Health & Services Montana Need help getting health insurance? We offer free enrollment assistance Open enrollment is Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. Providence certified counselors are available to help you learn more about insurance and expanded Medicaid coverage. Appointments are available at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center to help you sign up for a plan. Please call 406-883-5680 or email to make your appointment today. Phone or virtual appointments are available. Please bring the folowing information to your appointment: Social Security numbers (or immigration document numbers) Income information (e g., pay stubs, W-2 forms, Social Security or disability benefits, unemployment compensation) Your username and password for an existing HealthCare gov account or your email account if you need to create a new account You can also visit for details about your health insurance options and to sign up for a plan. PROVIDENCE Health & Services Montana