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    November 5, 2020
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VETERANS DAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! STATEE ARMY On behalf of the officers and members of the Marine Corps League, Hellroaring Detachment 1041, we would like to say thank you to all CORPS the Veterans! You have given up so much for our country in the belief that what you have sacrificed makes a difference to each and everyone's freedoms. Since November 11,1918 (formerly known as Armistice Day) we have celebrated by saying thank you to our Veterans. May we all remember the sacrifices these men and women have made, so we SEMPER FIDELIS can have the freedom to be with our loved ones. So, on this Veterans Day, November 11th, give thanks to a Veteran who has signed the dotted line for us, without prejudice, or political reason, but only to serve and protect all the rights and freedoms we have and enjoy today. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) John Miller, Commandant LEAGUE MARINE VETERANS DAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! STATEE ARMY On behalf of the officers and members of the Marine Corps League, Hellroaring Detachment 1041, we would like to say thank you to all CORPS the Veterans! You have given up so much for our country in the belief that what you have sacrificed makes a difference to each and everyone's freedoms. Since November 11,1918 (formerly known as Armistice Day) we have celebrated by saying thank you to our Veterans. May we all remember the sacrifices these men and women have made, so we SEMPER FIDELIS can have the freedom to be with our loved ones. So, on this Veterans Day, November 11th, give thanks to a Veteran who has signed the dotted line for us, without prejudice, or political reason, but only to serve and protect all the rights and freedoms we have and enjoy today. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) John Miller, Commandant LEAGUE MARINE