Always Open to Everyone Since 1977 Salish Kootenai College has been available to everyone regardless of race. Applications are always accepted. Undergraduate Programs SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE Business Management... Business Administration. AA Indigenous Research BA Methods and Methodologies. WC Chemical Dependency Counseling AA Information Technology AS Computer Applications.... Liberal Arts.... AA WC Computer Science Transfer Track... AS Life Sciences. BS Mathematical Science. AS Culture and Language Studies. _ BS Dental Assisting Technology Medical Assisting... CC Endorsement..... Medical Office Professional... CC CC Digital Design Technology AA Native Language Teacher Education AS, BS Digital Fabrication WC Nursing BS, RN/BSN Early Childhood Education ....... .CC, AA, BS Office Professional CC Early Childhood Education P:3. .AA, BS Payroll..... WC Elementary Education .AS, BS Psychology AA, BA Engineering (Pre-Engineering). CC Salish Language CC Fine Arts..... AA Secondary Education - Mathematics BS Forestry- Forest Management .AS, BS Secondary Education - Science ...... BS Forestry-Wildland Fire Management....AS, BS Social Work..... BSW General Science..... .AS Trauma and Resiliency.. Geospatial Science (GIS) WC Tribal Governance & Administration ...... WC .AA, BA Grant Management AA Tribal Historic Preservation AA, BA Health Promotion Practices.. AA Unmanned Highway Construction Training... CC Aircraft Systems Operations. Hydrology. .AS, BS Wildlife and Fisheries.... AS, BS Graduate Programs WC-Workforce Certification CC - Certificate of Completion AA - Associate of Arts Natural Resources AS - Associate of Science Management M.S. BA-Bachelor of Arts Curriculum & Instruction M.Ed. BS Bachelor of Science Life Sciences M.S. MS-Master of Science M Ed Master of Education WC SKC does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual identification, gender, age, or disability, except as allowed by the Indian preference provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Consistent with state and federal law, reasonable accommodation will be provided to persons with disabilities. The SKC Director of Human Resources is responsible for coordinating the College's compliance with federal and state discrimination and sexual harassment laws, including Title II, Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director, Human Resources 58138 US Highway 93, Pablo, MT 59855 (406) 275-4977 Always Open to Everyone Since 1977 Salish Kootenai College has been available to everyone regardless of race . Applications are always accepted . Undergraduate Programs SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE Business Management ... Business Administration . AA Indigenous Research BA Methods and Methodologies . WC Chemical Dependency Counseling AA Information Technology AS Computer Applications .... Liberal Arts .... AA WC Computer Science Transfer Track ... AS Life Sciences . BS Mathematical Science . AS Culture and Language Studies . _ BS Dental Assisting Technology Medical Assisting ... CC Endorsement ..... Medical Office Professional ... CC CC Digital Design Technology AA Native Language Teacher Education AS , BS Digital Fabrication WC Nursing BS , RN / BSN Early Childhood Education ....... .CC , AA , BS Office Professional CC Early Childhood Education P : 3 . .AA , BS Payroll ..... WC Elementary Education .AS , BS Psychology AA , BA Engineering ( Pre - Engineering ) . CC Salish Language CC Fine Arts ..... AA Secondary Education - Mathematics BS Forestry- Forest Management .AS , BS Secondary Education - Science ...... BS Forestry - Wildland Fire Management .... AS , BS Social Work ..... BSW General Science ..... .AS Trauma and Resiliency .. Geospatial Science ( GIS ) WC Tribal Governance & Administration ...... WC .AA , BA Grant Management AA Tribal Historic Preservation AA , BA Health Promotion Practices .. AA Unmanned Highway Construction Training ... CC Aircraft Systems Operations . Hydrology . .AS , BS Wildlife and Fisheries .... AS , BS Graduate Programs WC - Workforce Certification CC - Certificate of Completion AA - Associate of Arts Natural Resources AS - Associate of Science Management M.S. BA - Bachelor of Arts Curriculum & Instruction M.Ed. BS Bachelor of Science Life Sciences M.S. MS - Master of Science M Ed Master of Education WC SKC does not discriminate on the basis of race , ethnicity , national origin , sexual identification , gender , age , or disability , except as allowed by the Indian preference provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , as amended . Consistent with state and federal law , reasonable accommodation will be provided to persons with disabilities . The SKC Director of Human Resources is responsible for coordinating the College's compliance with federal and state discrimination and sexual harassment laws , including Title II , Title VI , Title IX , and Section 504. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non - discrimination policies : Director , Human Resources 58138 US Highway 93 , Pablo , MT 59855 ( 406 ) 275-4977