MAKE WASHINGTON WORK LIKE MONTANA In the Senate, Steve Bullock will bring both parties together to fight for all Montanans -- Just like he's done as our Governor: Fight to lower health care costs Keep our public lands in Support frontline workers and protect Montanans with public hands and small businesses pre-existing conditions Invest in our schools Eliminate the corrupting influence of money in politics GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU VOTE STEVEBULLOCK.COM BULLOCK U.S. SENATE 2020 PAID PO.BY MONTANANS FOR BULLOCK MAKE WASHINGTON WORK LIKE MONTANA In the Senate, Steve Bullock will bring both parties together to fight for all Montanans -- Just like he's done as our Governor: Fight to lower health care costs Keep our public lands in Support frontline workers and protect Montanans with public hands and small businesses pre-existing conditions Invest in our schools Eliminate the corrupting influence of money in politics GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU VOTE STEVEBULLOCK.COM BULLOCK U.S. SENATE 2020 PAID PO.BY MONTANANS FOR BULLOCK