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    May 13, 2021
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CITY OF POLSON Montana Public Water Supply ID number 00308 2020 Water Quality Report ncomplancee s Sen Deng we Aandno tmet tout e tywesevome provoo Qy hepet hrrta ly feprovdt l e e ctas nd te tonpers EA S de tce a ne ne e er, o Our oineng watr comes hom ents ng tom atans to stow our ding wdeortmt purt t ou waterwaat anout of chone Wheddaal anout ortghosphu to hep raduce he conuon of kad ind copper tom the pon ant ttuin e cuntomens tune W have 20 rvior come Sons and adod 15 comecions t yar Auntary uney ipecion twar otem wcanductin Agut of lata le sigticart 12 t deo W ta anoin contined capacity of over th an wn seed to pote ngw sale ant me at and sime you hey duntons or e potr con g yr wer sae cota e Cy ot on 3n Aan wa Bandon Phied Ca O r eed norn 13 y geen o They ed pereng sosetong on e pokup ubtanoe ting ton the prmence of anmao tom human achts Contaminart ay be presentin wate cude 1. Moror crtaatch n bec a on seg et es te s. agicutric oandw 2 Hogai r n s enbety ong enne m t o a an proon mngne taing i vace gan chemca, ap nd pos poteten, and can a cotn gas a, wtan wunt and tie yte SRadcact cortaninant wch can be aty souming or be thet of al ant pn production and mining atve Inorder to enur that tap wtere to d, e EA peorbe mgultom which nt he aneunt of ceran cartamnarts water provoe pable w tystea. amton entolah ntbrcontanina botted ch mal provite he same protection tor pubic at eaursnetna tmetabory iopet (406--213 hey vertory has ceel t S Mort e EPAayn dng w Oesaring teoeney conles w t ang ptors. The ing we pemel dey e cots neoe ar Dn.2000 - co e o eyo- PA pues eonon he pobe p a d onoperating ot ot me ta net ontsdinee pot p ui ehe standat s n ane f arny ponts dene te poubie pmenor of cyano, PO and 22A ngt orpanic cortanius to t ts on ach of o nane we One t of t dtemite postie prcr of 19 duntection byproduct - muta ee A tantar the Morte Dpmet o t y nins ht weaste agwte As don ysle oortas te et edorn epamonting verstes. T wive s wt heer oes epeeo 0 2 gnd to montor your oviong wr teprcte cotaniut on agar taos Pet otg nontng an indicaural e o ng war tunr ta noat met hath standurt W not candut monitoring tor barm, cadium, houm, onde meay and ium beca hve bean gratet a nducat monitoing waer by DO The waer baned on the anaytcalt or hee hemca The ing e te corta deded dung mtng. Sone o he e nay be more han e y o soe cet cen cott ontond les a onor per a MCL- Manum Cortanut Leve- The Maimun Alownd teghent ievea contmiart hn alound ding M setas cieon lo the MCLam e ng he bent ave e og eveco e -Pet per milon or gam per ermone part pe mo tompond ty ey inS.000 -nperer Meopam Mon e o 2000 ge eat AL- Acen Lad-he cancetaton o which temded t wehw n SOL-Pee bes pe L ytto etdo EP-y P- he pot es dabuton sye undentand the posbe heu ech ofecmdng the ance haing orded. e EA has deet ht your tec Agh mtr ant npos otte seien tone unngys zpoeat ad e Lanong we comes may yo hon ma er tun ste home he conmunty aat feedi yor hones unting Ourr yeaponst forprding high quality ing ve af lad can caselos heath potiem pecialy tu pgant wonen ant ynung chiben you an conceed atout vd t ie in your hona's we Libortry 406-35-2ian when your war tan ben uting er nvel houn, you tan mmothe paterta tdpounby ing your p unewr enpert a stbland ly lor 30 ancondi 2mnn btn you ne he etding r oking mtee nat eng wate g ete, nd e yo tn e ter en at a atde hon he Ste Drng Wie inote 00-4 or onne twe goate t A s at ng ns anony cota ty ng on te otaninas an canot contl hearity af m de pv hene pmong m t det your wted by a certet botory the onend ourangle t Mortaru tnner wa y en a amo f cotan Te peno at cartans es not o on bout cotamnn nd poa ham eca can be coned by caling meta Poon Ageneys Sa Orng ater 100--, or onineat wgagoutewt Sone pope a be mo tat ngwae than the penel populaton muno-compromied penos hpe people with ADS or ohe immune y adice boutng wer e predes E COC pdnes an ororee toen he eclen by enetespondum nt emosbelop Se ng e v ane 20. ta Depameta nonneta aity canducawrme ot ou y The mport grovds anona intarnation the po nebity ot o wls to cortam go o. The mt of te sot amnton The piary thean condet to mat homgaton canat pte ay ma nd sps homan cciot on te gny ttoat . The patcan be summerint inte tolowngta port to Cat to aat oniat tedcat tut the Pson t sty w de Sigaileant Potatial Centamiet Srees Our wter tyitem is commted to providing our cuntomers with sat, can wter and we pned hat our wtr meets or ecend aleablsted statt and federal sandards. Thank you tor miewing tis mpot Prepared by Montana Eve . LLC 421 an CITY OF POLSON Montana Public Water Supply ID number 00308 2020 Water Quality Report ncomplancee s Sen Deng we Aandno tmet tout e tywesevome provoo Qy hepet hrrta ly feprovdt l e e ctas nd te tonpers EA S de tce a ne ne e er, o Our oineng watr comes hom ents ng tom atans to stow our ding wdeortmt purt t ou waterwaat anout of chone Wheddaal anout ortghosphu to hep raduce he conuon of kad ind copper tom the pon ant ttuin e cuntomens tune W have 20 rvior come Sons and adod 15 comecions t yar Auntary uney ipecion twar otem wcanductin Agut of lata le sigticart 12 t deo W ta anoin contined capacity of over th an wn seed to pote ngw sale ant me at and sime you hey duntons or e potr con g yr wer sae cota e Cy ot on 3n Aan wa Bandon Phied Ca O r eed norn 13 y geen o They ed pereng sosetong on e pokup ubtanoe ting ton the prmence of anmao tom human achts Contaminart ay be presentin wate cude 1. Moror crtaatch n bec a on seg et es te s. agicutric oandw 2 Hogai r n s enbety ong enne m t o a an proon mngne taing i vace gan chemca, ap nd pos poteten, and can a cotn gas a, wtan wunt and tie yte SRadcact cortaninant wch can be aty souming or be thet of al ant pn production and mining atve Inorder to enur that tap wtere to d, e EA peorbe mgultom which nt he aneunt of ceran cartamnarts water provoe pable w tystea. amton entolah ntbrcontanina botted ch mal provite he same protection tor pubic at eaursnetna tmetabory iopet (406--213 hey vertory has ceel t S Mort e EPAayn dng w Oesaring teoeney conles w t ang ptors. The ing we pemel dey e cots neoe ar Dn.2000 - co e o eyo- PA pues eonon he pobe p a d onoperating ot ot me ta net ontsdinee pot p ui ehe standat s n ane f arny ponts dene te poubie pmenor of cyano, PO and 22A ngt orpanic cortanius to t ts on ach of o nane we One t of t dtemite postie prcr of 19 duntection byproduct - muta ee A tantar the Morte Dpmet o t y nins ht weaste agwte As don ysle oortas te et edorn epamonting verstes. T wive s wt heer oes epeeo 0 2 gnd to montor your oviong wr teprcte cotaniut on agar taos Pet otg nontng an indicaural e o ng war tunr ta noat met hath standurt W not candut monitoring tor barm, cadium, houm, onde meay and ium beca hve bean gratet a nducat monitoing waer by DO The waer baned on the anaytcalt or hee hemca The ing e te corta deded dung mtng. Sone o he e nay be more han e y o soe cet cen cott ontond les a onor per a MCL- Manum Cortanut Leve- The Maimun Alownd teghent ievea contmiart hn alound ding M setas cieon lo the MCLam e ng he bent ave e og eveco e -Pet per milon or gam per ermone part pe mo tompond ty ey inS.000 -nperer Meopam Mon e o 2000 ge eat AL- Acen Lad-he cancetaton o which temded t wehw n SOL-Pee bes pe L ytto etdo EP-y P- he pot es dabuton sye undentand the posbe heu ech ofecmdng the ance haing orded. e EA has deet ht your tec Agh mtr ant npos otte seien tone unngys zpoeat ad e Lanong we comes may yo hon ma er tun ste home he conmunty aat feedi yor hones unting Ourr yeaponst forprding high quality ing ve af lad can caselos heath potiem pecialy tu pgant wonen ant ynung chiben you an conceed atout vd t ie in your hona's we Libortry 406-35-2ian when your war tan ben uting er nvel houn, you tan mmothe paterta tdpounby ing your p unewr enpert a stbland ly lor 30 ancondi 2mnn btn you ne he etding r oking mtee nat eng wate g ete, nd e yo tn e ter en at a atde hon he Ste Drng Wie inote 00-4 or onne twe goate t A s at ng ns anony cota ty ng on te otaninas an canot contl hearity af m de pv hene pmong m t det your wted by a certet botory the onend ourangle t Mortaru tnner wa y en a amo f cotan Te peno at cartans es not o on bout cotamnn nd poa ham eca can be coned by caling meta Poon Ageneys Sa Orng ater 100--, or onineat wgagoutewt Sone pope a be mo tat ngwae than the penel populaton muno-compromied penos hpe people with ADS or ohe immune y adice boutng wer e predes E COC pdnes an ororee toen he eclen by enetespondum nt emosbelop Se ng e v ane 20. ta Depameta nonneta aity canducawrme ot ou y The mport grovds anona intarnation the po nebity ot o wls to cortam go o. The mt of te sot amnton The piary thean condet to mat homgaton canat pte ay ma nd sps homan cciot on te gny ttoat . The patcan be summerint inte tolowngta port to Cat to aat oniat tedcat tut the Pson t sty w de Sigaileant Potatial Centamiet Srees Our wter tyitem is commted to providing our cuntomers with sat, can wter and we pned hat our wtr meets or ecend aleablsted statt and federal sandards. Thank you tor miewing tis mpot Prepared by Montana Eve . LLC 421 an